Welcome and thank you for taking the time to look around my website. This has been a multi-year project and I am glad that I can share this with you.

Now if you want to learn a little bit about me. I was born in France near Paris and since the age of 10 I have been passionate about photography. I have had the chance to play around cameras and understand how they work. Through failure I became familiar with what comes into taking a picture. My first DSLR was a Nikon d7100 although I had used a Pentax before, but most of my picture pre-2019 are taken on the Nikon. During these years I worked for my schools, did an internship among the photographers for the French armies and followed the workshops made by Alex Strohl. His photography and philosophy of taking photos has inspired me. To this day I am still one of his student, and I keep finding new ways of better capturing moments.

Brisbane is where I live for the time being. As a university student I can now express my passion and share my work with you. It has also given me the opportunity to explore Australia and it’s natural wonders. Today, I use a Canon Eos R and a DJI Mavic Pro 2. This pro-level equipment allows me to offer a service that is to the level expected for paid work. I’m still learning through every contract I take, and adapting to different needs and expectations. I am still just as excited as the first day I took a picture and this passion and commitment can, I think, be reflected in my works.


Trip consultant
Risk Analysis


Northbourne Park School
Ecole Jeanine Manuel de Lille
St John’s College within UQ
St John’s Student Club